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Inventory Management System | Stores

System Overview

Work Flow

Goods and Services | Purchase Work Flow

IMS - PO | Gate In| Pre Check| Stock Move| Invoice

Goods and Services Request| Department Issue | Quote Request

How To Docs

Add Goods and Service Name

Add New Supplier Details | Information Settings

Internal Stores | Row | Rack | Shelf | Bin Settings

Add Quote Approval Status | Quote Type Settings

Managing Gate In | Gate Out Types

Add Payment Terms | Schedule Types | Payment Types | Payment Modes

Purchase Order | Sales Order types | Approval Status

IMS Invoice Master| Invoice Type| Invoice Payment Status| Invoice Status

Transaction Types-Settings| Purchase Type| Return Type| Store Transaction Type| Document type| Request Type| Issue| Purpose Type

How to Change the UOM for Goods | Service Across the System

IMS - Stock Correction| Direct Stock Update

How to Change Goods and Services Type